I am a counsellor at PASCO (Parlons SIDA aux Communautaires), a partner of Cordaid in Kinshasa. Part of my work is informing people who are more vulnerable to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, such as sex workers and members of the LGTB+ community, about how to prevent infections and what the benefits are of getting tested. In addition to testing and giving advice, we organise meetings for HIV-positive women to share their stories and learn from each other’s experiences.
“COVID-19 has many consequences, but hopefully it’s temporary.
HIV is for the rest
of their lives.”
I started to notice more awareness about the importance of using protection. Our programme helps them in different ways, but COVID-19 complicates our work. For many people it’s more difficult to visit the centre regularly and, because they have less work due to lockdown rules, sex workers are likely to be less careful again. We’ll continue to remind them of the importance of using protection. COVID-19 has many consequences, but hopefully it’s temporary. HIV is for the rest of their lives.